Helping the homeless through HALO

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Helping the homeless through HALO

Community Service

Since 2015, Horizon Retail Construction employees have championed the cause of HALO, Inc., the Homeless Assistance Leadership Organization.

The history between Horizon and HALO goes back much farther, as Horizon President Patrick Christensen is a huge advocate of HALO, donating thousands of business suits since its inception to assist individuals on their journey to self-sufficiency.

In 2017, employees worked to ensure HALO clients have a warm holiday by holding a coat drive.

HALO, which opened in Racine in 2005, has helped more than 2,000 adults achieve a home and enough income to support themselves. HALO is a key charity for Horizon because homelessness and unemployment are huge issues in Racine County.

Most of Horizon’s charitable efforts are the results of employee suggestions. In December 2017, assistant project manager Kristyn Bartlett noticed that HALO had posted a request for men’s coats on Facebook. She put the word out to friends via email and many items were donated, including work jumpsuits, warm flannel shirts and other winter clothes.

Bartlett worked quickly, seeing the Facebook notice midweek, then mobilizing to pick up coats with her 18-year-old daughter, ultimately delivering the clothing to HALO on Saturday the same week. For more information on HALO, visit

Other charity projects Horizon employees have participated in include gathering thousands of food items and toys, raising money for scholarships and contributing hundreds of hours of sweat equity to nonprofits.

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